Saturday, February 12, 2005

Niels Jorgen Thogersen's CV (English)


Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


22nd January, 1945 in Grynderup, Denmark


1970, Political Science at the University of Aarhus, Denmark

Studies at universities in the U.S., Germany and the U.K.

Special fields:

Communication; Media; European affairs; East European and Soviet affairs; international organisations



Teacher of Social Sciences in Herning, Denmark.


Assistant Professor in European Studies at the "Aarhus School of Business Administration and Modern Languages", Denmark


Campaign leader for the referendum on Danish entry into the EC


Head of the Copenhagen Office of the European Commission responsible for Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland

Developing the Office; creating communication instruments such as Team Europe, Relays, school activities, etc Running campaigns such as the campaign for The Single Act

September 1988

Director of Information in the European Commission, Brussels

Responsible for the Offices in the Member States and for information outside the EU

Reform of the Information Offices

March 1994

Director of Communication, European Commission, Brussels

Creating the Commission's Internet Site EUROPA; Intranet site EUROPAplus; TV agency "Europe by Satellite"; relays "Info Point Europe"

Also responsible for the EU's relations with Sports organisations

August 1997

Director of Communication, European Commission, Brussels

Also responsible for EXPO 98 in Lisbon and EXPO 2000 in Hanover

March 2000

Responsible for "Dialogue on Europe" - a political debate across frontiers on the future of Europe, especially related to the IGC, enlargement, etc.

February 2001

Responsible for the European Commission's participation in "The Future of Europe" operation (large scale debates, Web Portal, etc.)

Also responsible for part of the "European Governance" activity

April 2001

Director of Communications, Media and Services, European Commission, Brussels

March 2005

Independent consultant in communication, media, democracy, and European affairs


Danish and other Scandinavian languages, English, French, German


"Yes or No to the EC?" (Danish) 1971

"The European Community: Alphabetical Dictionary" (Danish) 1974

"Politics Today" (Danish) 1978 and 1986

"700 Words about the Community" (Danish) 1987

Numerous publications of articles on European affairs and on communication


No party political affiliations


"International Public Relations Association"

"International Round Table of Public Information Directors"

“Club de Venise” (Directors of Information and Communication of the Member States of the European Union)

Private hobbies:

Politics; History; European Affairs; Modern Communication; Media; Genealogy; Music; Travels


35, avenue de l’Europe

B-1330 Rixensart, Belgium

Tel. 00322 652 0812

Mobile : 0032 498 999 099

e-mail :

February 2, 2005


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