Tuesday, November 15, 2005

November 11 at 11.00

It is 87 years ago. Since the big and the small guns in WW I finally stopped. After one of the most awful wars ever. Senseless killings in large parts of Europe, not least in the neighourhoods around here. West Flanders, North East of France.Not to forget the fronts in Eastern Europe. Terrible.

Some people seem to think that the holiday of November 11, which many countries still have, should be abandoned, because all this took place so long time ago.

I TOTALLY disagree. First of all, in historic terms it is not a long time ago. And more important: it is absolutely essential to make today's generations learn and understand these terrible events. And understand what a fantastic moment the armistice at 11.11. at 1100 was. Let them visit Ypres, Langemark and Tyn-Cot in West Flanders. Or Verdun, Sommes and Marne in France. And let them go to Compiègne northeast of Paris, where the armistice was signed in the famous French railway car (which is open to the public in the middle of the forest). Let them read about these events. Or see some of the films, which have been made. But the only thing you can be sure of is that the reality was much worse.

It is SO important that the world and in particular Europe has learned the lesson and put treaties, commitments and "brakes" in place, so such a Europen civil war can never happen again.

November 11 is also a very special day to remember and celebrate that.


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