Saturday, February 17, 2007

Europe's 50th anniversary coming up

At the end of next month - March 25 - it is exactly 50 years since the political leaders of six European countries signed the Treaties of Rome. They made a very important step forward in keeping peace and creating prosperity in Europe. Perhaps more than they even realised themselves. Fifty years is a very short time in history. But look at what has happened since then! We are now 27 countries in the European Union. A long, long list of very positive results. We have Peace. Prosperity. Freedom. Lots of border-free benefits (no border control at most internal frontiers; very cheap flights; very, very cheap phone costs; a common and very strong currency, the €, already between 13 of the member states.) Etc.etc.

This is what should be celebrated on and around March 25. And it will be :)

We should also celebrate that the leading European politicians had the visions, the political courage and the dynamic drive to initiate this unique European process.

Europe's further development and progress very much needs such politicians also today. Personalities with visions and conviction, with the skills to convince their populations and with the necessary political courage and determination to push their visions through.

Let's also use the 50th anniversary to mobilise full support to those politicians in our countries, who fulfill these conditions.


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