Sunday, February 04, 2007

EU's success story at the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands is a fantastic place. Superb weather. Fantastic nature. Lovely people. And very, very good local food and wine. No wonder that these islands are becoming the favourite holiday destination for millions of Europeans around the year J

It is a well known fact that the European Union (EU) has invested a lot in these islands. The Regional Fund, the Agricultural Fund and the Social Fund have all over the years given top priority to projects from this part of Spain. In projects, which are all co-financed with the Spanish government in Madrid and the local Canary government. And you REALLY see the results. Fantastic roads. Great airports. Excellent hotels and holiday apartments. Ever improving and increasing agricultural areas growing wine, potatos, bananas, all sorts of fruits, cactus (for Campari !), vegetables, etc.etc.

You really see how these islands - which before were very remote and very poor - have become really developed and in many ways rich. So developed that some day in a foreseeable future they will no longer need assistance from the EU. Like Ireland today. This is the whole raison-d’être for EU funds. To start the development – but not to support for ever.

You may ask: What should European taxpayers’ money be invested here? The answer is simple: because by developing these islands millions of Europeans have got a fantastic holiday area. And the local population have got a totally new life with employment, money, services. This is a win-win situation for everybody. This is EU activities when they are best.

By the way, I also think that the EU should help the authorities here more in controlling the illegal immigration from Africa. But this is another story. EU is for me a question of solidarity. By working together and helping each other we will all cope much better with whatever problems we face J


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