Bucharest calling...
This is my first visit to the Romanian capital since the very early days of 1990. A few days after the execution of Ceaucescu and his wife. And thereby the violent fall of the very hard dictatorship. I was here with a European Commissioner, who wanted to be one of the first from the democratic world to come and meet the new leaders. A VERY tense situation in those days: tanks in the streets, soldiers with machine guns all over, also in the offices in the ministries, etc.
Today I am visiting a NATO country. And a country which before long will also find its natural place in the European Union. What an amazing development in just 15 years.
But all the work has - of course - not been done yet. Much lies ahead. In infrastructure. In reforms in the countryside. In the social policy. In the legal system. In the determined fight against corruption. As a visiting European Commissioner said the other day to his Romanian hosts: "You have adopted a lot of the necessary legislation. Now you also have to implement it. And with determination".
The media are of great importance in all democracies - and in particular in new democracies. It is good to see that the government here has now introduced a range of very important improvements in this area. Such as removing attacks on the activities of journalists from the criminal legislation to normal civil rules of responsability. And such as making it very transparent and based on public calls for tender, where state institutions place their advertizing - avoiding that political motives play an important role as until recently. More is - and has - to come.
My fundamental attitude is that we all have to support these democratic developments in Romania. Yes, there are problems. Of course. But this is a further reason to give our support. And to accept them as a full member of our European cooperation. With all the rights AND the obligations it brings. Romania is an old European country with its own history, traditions and culture. It contributes to the fascinating European family in its own way. We - who happen at the moment to be better off - HAVE to support them. In solidarity. And certainly also in our own interest. Come back here in 10 years. And you will be amazed.
But I intend to come back long before that!
Today I am visiting a NATO country. And a country which before long will also find its natural place in the European Union. What an amazing development in just 15 years.
But all the work has - of course - not been done yet. Much lies ahead. In infrastructure. In reforms in the countryside. In the social policy. In the legal system. In the determined fight against corruption. As a visiting European Commissioner said the other day to his Romanian hosts: "You have adopted a lot of the necessary legislation. Now you also have to implement it. And with determination".
The media are of great importance in all democracies - and in particular in new democracies. It is good to see that the government here has now introduced a range of very important improvements in this area. Such as removing attacks on the activities of journalists from the criminal legislation to normal civil rules of responsability. And such as making it very transparent and based on public calls for tender, where state institutions place their advertizing - avoiding that political motives play an important role as until recently. More is - and has - to come.
My fundamental attitude is that we all have to support these democratic developments in Romania. Yes, there are problems. Of course. But this is a further reason to give our support. And to accept them as a full member of our European cooperation. With all the rights AND the obligations it brings. Romania is an old European country with its own history, traditions and culture. It contributes to the fascinating European family in its own way. We - who happen at the moment to be better off - HAVE to support them. In solidarity. And certainly also in our own interest. Come back here in 10 years. And you will be amazed.
But I intend to come back long before that!